duminică, 10 iunie 2012


Hello, guys! How are you?
Lately, I've been quite busy, e-mailing anime conventions, but studying for Japanese classes also! Anyway, here are some FAQ's about the MMP.

1. Is the project still active/working?
ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ Yes, it is! We're still e-mailing anime conventions and the people involved. We're trying to keep everyone updated.

2. Will this project ever end?
(・`ω´・) yes mwahaha >:3.
No, but seriously it will. It's going to be announced sometime around october I believe.

3. Can I still join?
(,, ・∀・)ノ゛ Not officially, but you can still send us a mesage on www.youtube.com/megumeguproject and we'll see, ok? Don't worry. We'll read all of our messages but we're afraid we have too many people already. Anyway, we will still look at your channel and see what we can do.

sâmbătă, 5 mai 2012


We sent some emails to anime-convention, in order to Megu Megu Project~! ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Well, may all the good things be with you, guys! Maybe they'll choose you to perform? We tried our best! \(//∇//)/ I do really cheerish all of you!
More emails to send tomorrow. E-mail all the way~!!!!!


Snapee Review ~!

はい-!こんにちは!私 は あたらしい の iPhone プリクラ app が download。(ごめん、わるい 日本語 だよう)。

えっと、この app が Snapee です。 (snape-e? haha www!)

この app が たくさん の かわいい プリーデコ があります!download を おねがい します!!!

Hello! ~ I just downloaded a new purikura application for my iPhone.So, sorry for using so bad Japanese, I need to learn more! But I don't know how to say " download " and " apps " and using Google! translate just wouldn't be fair.

Anyway, this app is so kawaii-puris! You have got so many stickers and frames to add! And you can share them with everyone. Oh, well, it is just like Instagram, but it's cuter! Just download it, please! I mean, I hope you will! ^_^

miercuri, 25 aprilie 2012

ギャル アップーデイとー

こんにちは!\( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
きのお、私 は「 POPTEEN」を よみます!♪( ´▽`)
この ざっしい が とっても だいちゅき!


marți, 24 aprilie 2012

About the Megu Megu Project~!

                                          Hello~!  (・∀・) So, lately many people became suspicious about it, but it also became pretty popular on J-pop and K-pop group on Facebook! But I just wanted to clear things up!     
                           。◕‿◕。 First of all: This project is not made in a company buidling with 1000 of people working at it
                           。◕‿◕。 Second: It is made by fans for the youtube dancers!
                           。◕‿◕。  What does MMP do? It e-mails anime conventions about girls that wish to perform ~! We try to nominate different girls to different cons, worldwide! It's not 100% chance of success, but why not give it a try?

Urghh~! But I guess a lot of people found it hard to understand!!!

                                    I just think it is just a project made for fun, so I hope people that were chosen will         be happy to join~!

Yes I am one of the people who made the MMP~! It's just for fun and trying to promote YT dancers. And if you just want to be mean and tell us we're liars that need to get off the internet please leave.

( ´∀`) Also, this amazingly amazing YouTuber: www.youtube.com/xslushpuppi3x has helped us a lot with nice words and support!~ 

Our YT is www.youtube.com/megumeguproject


Hikari Shiina!

      Hello guys~! Today, I just wanted to show you someone amazing (again)! But it's too awesome so I can't really help it, I must post! I have to post about her: Hikari Shiina (Pikarin)~! She is more of a simple-ish gyaru so
I really like her! And she's sooo adorableehh and cute! OMG! (*ノ・ω・)
I so wish I was as pretty as her ! If you ask for photos of me there's the
header of my blog ==;...
      Anyway, Hikari Shiina is a model of Popteen! She is a cutie and OMG it's just that she's too sweet and she is my favourite model of all time! <3333333

Ugu~!!! Bye bye sweethearts <333

What is gyaru?

Hey! Did you guys know: that I love the Gyaru style so much?
Oh, wait, you don't know what gyaru is? Simple, I will help you now, okay?

Gyaru fashion is a type of Japanese street fashion that originated in the 1970’s. Gyaru is most commonly referred to as ganguro, but it is actually a subculture of gyaru. was popular in the 1990’s, but shortly died out in the early 2000's. Gyaru is a girly-glam style, breaking away from traditional standards of beauty. Dwelling on the man-made (wigs, fake eyelashes, fake nails,etc). Gyaru fashion neither fit well with the Japanese traditional culture nor how the media portray ideals of Japanese women. It is often classified as a sign of youth rebellion. Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by having heavily bleached or dyed hair (mostly shades from dark brown to blonde), excessively decorated nails, and dramatic makeup.
The makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner, fake eyelashes and cosmetic circle lenses so as to create the illusion of large, anime-like eyes. Extremist tend to get vivid color hair wigs, for example, neon pink or lime green.
Clothing pieces for gyaru fashion differ depending on which gyaru style the individual chooses.
Oh, no~ it sounds so dramatic, tacky and cheap! But it's not that flashy! It's actually a really cute style that aims for the perfect girl look~ 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。 Ok, many gyaru go "too far" with it in my oppinion, but there's no limit in this style, is it? You can choose to do your make-up however you want. You can do it thick or you can do it softer, like Tsubasa Masuwaka, a model of the Popteen gyaru magazine!

I like both the gals that use fewer make-up but are still able to keep the gyaru style like Tsubasa:
But I also like the gals with more makeup  ♪(┌・。・)┌ Well, just like these haha:

Sometimes, the manba style is lovely too!
But sometimes a bit scary xD
Sometimes, it is too much make/up and hair

But, of all the gyaru genres, my favourite one is Kogyaru (Kogal)~!

 The kogal fashion involves wearing an outfit based on a Japanese school uniform, but with a shortened skirt, loose socks (or white cute leg warmers ), and often dyed hair and a scarf as well. The phenomenon was prominent in the 1990s, but has since declined. The word "kogal" is anglicized from kogyaru, a contraction of kôkôsei gyaru (high school gal). The girls refer to themselves as gyaru(gals), although this word is applied to several other fashion looks as well.

Oh well, I like what I post and I post what I like~!

But of course, I hope you like my blog and what I post too!
<3 ( ´∀`) Choco-Rin xoxo